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Altavista y Las Palmas
Villa Obregon DF
Aug. 7, 1941

Dear Family:

Thank yo for your letters, and pardon my tardiness. Am very busy, and also enjoying myself, so dont think of writing as much as I would if I were unhappy!

I am enclosing a check and a form for a new license plates, which I wish you would send to Sacramento for me airmail. The check has to be converted into money order or such, which it is very difficult to do down here. They are arresting Americans with 1940 liscence plates here now, so I would like to get them as soon as possible.

The Sinarquistas had a tif with the Federal army the other day, and the Federal army was routed - wich shows that they are something to be reckoned with. There have been some letters exposed also, showing that Cadenas was dealing with the Germans, and that the orders were to get on the good side of dealing with the Germans, and that the orders were to get on the good side of the intellectual and atistio group, which probably explains Camacho's frindliness with Diego.

Gave two of the pups away to Laddy Joseph yesterday - went to the movies with them and Andy Weil III, a child from Princeton who is studying foreign propaganda down here. The Medioni's book of Diego's idols, Art in Ancient Mexico, has just come out (Oxford press) but they did not print Diego's preface, as they said in times like these, his political ideas were too dangerous, and they wanted no part of it, though the preface said practically nothing about politics, except that greater art would be produced in a classless society.

Am getting expert in keeping people content through waiting-Diego makes appointments with two to six people in the afternoon, and then goes out in the country and doesnt come back until nine at night, without letting anyone know, of course.

Two people have wanted to buy my pictures so far, and the director of the gallery at the Sacramento Junior College asked to have the exhibit there after San Francisco. 

Well, must get to work - lotsof love,
Emmy Lou