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Wed July 3/63

Dear Emmy Lou: 

Your checks have been received and deposited ($40. for July $31 for piano rent and cartage, $ 69.---for the usual payment.)

We are keeping track of the amount spent for groceries this month just to see how it comes out. 

All quiet on the Potomac. Jonny got up at 6:30 for his trip to Novato today. I think he has been reasonably conscientious in his work and practice but am leaving it up to him (while sort of keeping track, just in case). Also, he does the night dishes amiably and whatever else I ask of him.... So I think it will settle downin routine by the end of the week. 

Jonny asked me to get an ointment for his face --also a Clearasil tube--these cost .98ยข and $1.60 plus tax. He aalso asked me to get deodorent and I suggested that baths were the usual treatment---Walter has promised to regulate the bath matter! Has he any reason for something along this line that baths won't cure? If so, let me know. Also, he wanted vitamens and I again suggested that if he ate the food I give him (which he does, vegetables and all) I thought it was sufficient vitamens for anyone. ...Don'T let him know that I have consulted him on this--but steer me if I am mistaken. The juice I buy him has vitamen C added. 

Judy and Bill phoned this morning--re the two articles in the Frontier--Bill's was in the same copy as dad's--- They baby is due July 8th. His Parents are coming Saturday to take charge when Judy goes to the hospital. 

Jonny has said nothing to me about his rules about his eyes. I have given him good light for his music, and he stays about 6 to 8 feet away from the TV screen, He has not read very much except for the morning paper---but I can't be sure if he is using them more that he is told to do.---since I don't know just what the limit is. But I want him to be on his own and take the respinsiblity----naturally, he does not like me to interfere .... He wrote you a six page letter which you no doubt have.....

I wrote Bergy, thanking her for the baby picture - also said you would write her about [[?]] Frankie phoned befor she left for Colorado - 