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November 15th, 1971 

Dear Emy-Lou: 

Your print just arrived. I have it hanging in my studio. It is one of the most powerful engravings I have ever seen. It has tremendous vitality and you certainly were not timid in your cutting. Would you mind if I offer it to the Daily World Magazine? it would make a beautiful cover. 

Nesterov was here for a week-end. He told me of meeting you and seeing your work. I'm glad you now have a letter from the Pushkin Museum and I hope they will buy. 

I talked about Rivera's letter to Dubinsky with the Party leadership here. They feel it is extremely important and that it should be sent to the Soviet Union for the meeting that will deal with Troskyism. The suggestion is that you write a letter giving the background of your involvement in it so that it becomes absolutely authentic. And then I would write a covering letter about my connection with you. Of course, they feel that it is important that we re-state that Diego renounced his previous position and was accepted back into the party. I urge you to consider this and, if you agree, to do it soon. 

Lila and I are hoping to get to Mexico for January and February. 

I am continuing to paint on the theme of Grand Coulee Dam. It will be part of my exhibition in New York next year. 

Lila and I are very happy to hear that you are doing so well after your surgery but don't overdo it. 

I wish I was back in San Francisco working with you on your new press. 

I'll see if I can find the name of the museum director you asked for. 

With love,