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Original in Smithsonian Museums in de Young Mus SF

C/O Artists Union of USSR
Foreign Department
10 Gogol Boulevard phoN 133.91.23
Moscow 121019 USSR
December 13th, 1978

Dear Emmy Lou:
I have neglected all my correspondence. Your letter of the 24th of September I received the morning we were leaving for the Soviet Union. Emmy, you are a terrific organizer! I have been brought up to date by my daughter, Brigit, who told me of your telephone calls and then I read your statement in the Examiner. I hope the tragic death of Mayor Moscone will not weaken the process of saving the mural. I wonder what help you got from Marlene Parks? I received a copy of the statement from Francis O'Connor which, I [[strikethough]] imagine [[/strikethrough]] imagine, must have alerted the art world. When you receive this, please drop me a [[strikethrough]] lo [[/strikethrough]] line - the average letter takes two weeks from the States.

We are back in the same apartment we had in 1973-1974. I brought with me an exhibition of drawings and pastels on the theme of CHILE - some time in January it will open on the galleries of the Artists Union. They are publishing a catalogue and poster which I will send on to you.

I am now in the early stages of the discussion of a mural project. It will be for the new cardiological building. On Friday, the 15th, Lila and I are leaving for Georgia for a ten day stay.

Of course the Rincon Hill is constantly on my mind and I hope by now the problem is solved. But I know this is not easy but I am delighted it is in your hands.
