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2027 Parker st. Berkley 4, Calif. May 27, 1965

Dear Emmy Lou:
Mendocino would lose a principal attraction if you folks weren't there, so we'll schedule our visit for another time.

An old friend of ours in London is Milton Baychok, 20 Campbell Court, 1-10 Queens Gate Gardens, London S.W. 7. He was one of the active and very capable progressives in Long Beach when we lived there.
His work is setting up chemical plants such as petroleum cracking processes--a very friendly guy.

A woman we met while she was visiting here is Mickey Doyle, 111 Aslett St., London SW 18--phone VAN 6146. She runs the London office for Cuba aid; her husband is a trade union official; she's an earthy, friendly and delightful person.

We'll write a note to both of these people telling them that they might hear from you.

We participated in the very great Vietnam protests on campus here, and continue to be quite busy. The conservation movement is increasingly active now, and I am glad to help them all I can.

Your trip sounds wonderful; I do hope that we can finally get to Europe next year. We've put it off three of four times now--always too much going on here.

Best from both of us.