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Malvina Reynolds
2027 Parker st.
Berkeley 4, Calif.
Jan.15, 1967

Dear Emmy Lou:

I called your mother this evening, and found you’d gone back to Mendocino. Home’s best, and that’s a fact, with all its fuss and bother; but we were hoping to take you out to dinner while you both were here, now that I’m ambulant again. Back is lots better, very little pain, but I keep to the contour chair when I’m home. 

I’m enclosing my latest "work"—- a lazy man’s book. I wanted to get these ideas out, especially since this soul probing business seems to be a rationalization for everything from political inactivity to LSD.

People seem to like the likely "book", and we’re giving it away wherever we think it will be pertinent. If you’d like some more, or have some other ideas about it, let me know. 

Bud is pretty well, and busy as ever. We were both at the "Be-In" Saturday for a while, and found it very interesting—- though I couldn’t sit on the ground for very long, with no back rest. 

I’m to do a 15 minute free-wheeling program early Wednesday on KPFA for a few weeks, and that will keep my nose to the typewriter for a while. 

Love to you both.

Ans Mar 2-67