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The Olympic, Seattle, Washington 98111 MU 2-7700 WESTERN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS

2027 Parker st.
Berkeley 94704
March 3, 1967

Dear Emmy Lou and Byron:
Your daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths and plum blossoms sound so tempting, not to mention your own selves and the other nice things we remember about Mendocino, that I'd like to pack up and go--only there's too much doing around here right now. We're expecting Judy Collins to visit this afternoon (she is doing a concert here Saturday night) and we are working on an album to be called "Save the Children" for Women for Peace, in which Judy, Joan and I will participate, among others. My Columbia album is finally actually out, and sounds better than I expected (considering the nervous situations in a sound studio, so new to me). The cover picture is my face, full on and large, from a picture taken when I had spent tired, windy, cold days at the Newport Folk Festival--it is harsh and lined, but very strong and striking (I wasn't consulted about this or anything else, and that's big business for you) and I'm getting used to it. Main trouble is there is no indication of humor in it (as there is in the songs), but, as Frank Sinatra says, That's life!
I expect to have a quantity of them in a few days, and we will send you one. But I'll be involved in some publicity activities which will also keep me too busy to run away to Eden.
So glad you like the Soul Book. I'm trying to write the extension of it, but it doesn't go that easily. I'm sending you ten copies--if you can use more, do let me know...(or the Soul Book, that is).
I'm enjoying doing my radio stint--it's only 15 or 20 minutes a week, but since I prepare it all (I don't try to ad lib yet), and am not a facile writer generally, it is a chore. Because of old campus habits of leaving term papers till the night before, I tend to do the same with this, and must get organized.
This stationary is a souvenir of a recent week in Seattle, where I did a show for West Washington U., and had some fun doing a couple of radio shows--interviews. I may not be a facile writer, but I shure can talk a blue streak when I get my head. Bud and I were in Seattle together, and we both came back quite tired, but are feeling OK now.
We'll get to Mendocino this summer by hook or crook.