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Mendocino, Calif
July 5, 1968

If, as stated in the blanket accusations against me, the Committee For New Politics, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, in the editorial of June 27 of the Fort Bragg Advocate-News, I have been “named in the 14th report on Un-American Activities in California in 1967 by the Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee” as an “identified Communist”, I know nothing about the matter. 

I have never been called to a hearing by any governing or legislative body in the State or Federal government at any time on such as matter. I have never been called to give testimony or summon witnesses in my own behalf, to be represented by counsel, or to confront the now faceless witness indicated in the passive formulation in your article, whatever its sources.

If this subcommittee has has such a hearing without my being called, I have never even been informed of its conclusion. 

If this is the American way of procedure in such matters, then it is certainly a radical change in the traditions and established processes in this country. 

The editor hides behind the word “allegedly” when he speaks, in comment on a letter in the July 4 issue of the paper, of my being at some time “escorted off the campus (of the University of California) by marshals.” No such thing has ever happened; this is a pure fabrication. My primary connection with that institution is that I received a doctor’s degree from the University in 1939, after having been elected to Phi Beta Kappa in my junior year, and have been doing post-doctoral research in music and anthropology since then. 

Malvina Reynolds