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Thurs., July 4, 1968  San Francisco Chronicle

Fourth of Julytems

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, everybody! And a special toast to Thomas Jefferson, an inspiration to all writers everywhere. He wrote our country's most durable masterpiece, and died not only broke, but in debt... We also salute Glenn Dorenbush, such a traditional jazz fan he thinks the Nation today is celebrating the birthday of Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong (born July 4, 1900) ... Furthermore, a Fourth of July burst of rockets for Macy's which, as of tomorrow, will stock no more toy guns in its 11 Bay Area stores. This is no minor item in the Macy exchequer: the stores have been selling tens of thousands of kids' "cowboy" pistols every year... We make passing mention of Comedian Woody Allen, who will spend this Fourth of July robbing the Bank of America branch at 801 Clement (for his movie, for his movie)... And finally, a cheer for Mayor Cosimo Lorenzo de Alioto, scheduled to light the first firecracker at the big Candlestick display tonight - an event that causes KCBS' Don Mozley to crack: "It will mark the first time the Mayor has blown up this late in the day."

FURTHER FIREWORKS: Sizzling today is Harold Smith Sr., the grand old man of Reno gambling. The other day he wandered from his Harold's club to the Holiday to shoot a little dice, wrote a $1000 check and found he has been "redlined" (no credit) by the Holiday's new owner from Texas, Tom Moore. In the opinion of Historian John Wesley Noble, "the first time in Nevada history that one casino operator has redlined another." As for Harold Sr., he is red-eyed and red-necked... The big art colony up in Mendocino is putting on an elaborate Fourth of July Weekend celebration, proceeds to go to the late Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference - and here there are unexpected fireworks, too. Right-wingers are warning "the people" to stay away because (to quote a newspaper editorial) the SCLC is "allegedly the South's largest Communist-front organization." The artists are seeing red - and lawyers ... Memo to the feller who is circulating a "Recall Herb Caen" petition: Where do I sign?