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received the first prize of $2500.00, but I knew months ago - that, as someone said - I was "done out of the first prize". But never mind! On January 7 - I will receive one of the prizes offered by the La Tausca Pearls Competition. This firm was more discreet, no inside information leaked out - and so no one was able [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] or is able to say what prizes (war bonds) will be given out, to the respective winners. I am happy to inform you that the Whitney Museum of American Art acquired for their permanent collection which will eventually be housed in the Whitney Wing of the Metropolitan Museum, my painting - Adoration of the Moon which is hanging in the current exhibition at the Whitney. I understand the Metropolitan Museum asked for permission to make a slide of this picture. Then, too, I am told that the Tait Gallery of London has invited my picture - "Chassidic Dance" for exhibition in London - and other places in England. Some day soon your pictures - "Good News," and "Solo" and other pictures - the Interior with Nun -- will be invited to do some traveling in foreign lands. I know they will. Every dog has his day. My day has come - a little tardy but its here - thank God!

I will write soon again, and before I close I must not fail to say that you have helped greatly in hastening my "arrival," the happiness of which I always

Transcription Notes:
. changed "collections" to "collection" - remainder appears correct