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3 in it. And for an audience she will have a ready, eager and discerning but very sympathetic and appreciative critic. Yes, a strange and singular critic - not erudite thank God - but fresh, spontaneous personal in approach and intimate in penetration. Such an audience is an inspiration and often a guide.

Now to mundane things. I cannot close this note to you without expressing my sincerest thanks to you for your business to Maynard. Your generosity has helped greatly to solve a very discouraging problem - due to the chaos in the commercial world. The suit fits him perfectly and he is highly pleased and grateful, but you should not have gone to all the trouble of sending him so much more. Maynard left for school last Thursday, and as soon as he lets us know his address, we will pack his suits and coat you are sending from Lauderdale, in the trunk with his other things. And as soon as the exhibition is out of my hand - say next Tuesday, I will attend to something I should have