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Daniel Chester French
October 30, 1918

Dear Abbott :-
I saw your great picture of Monadnock the other day for the first time after its hanging on the walls of the Museum and I want to know how deeply it impressed me. I had only seen it before under far from favorable conditions and, although I recognized it as a splendid achievement, I was not prepared for the great beauty which the new hanging brings out. It is true and a poetic and reverent record of a beautiful phase of nature and one immediate effect of it upon me has been to open my eyes to the same beauty in our Berkshire Hills. I wonder if it was done in November? I find its color in the hills now, with the oaks and pines, but, of course, without the snow cap. If I congratulated you before, I certainly can add to my congratulations now and add to these my thanks for the pleasure you have given me and will continue to give me whenever I go to the Museum. I am afraid you will think that the other pictures in the gallery where it is hung do not harmonize with yours very well, but it looks fine nevertheless.

Another summer has gone and I have not got over to Dublin as I hoped and intended to do. I never cease to regret that we see so little of each other. I hope you are all well and that you have been industriously painting all summer. it looks as if the horror across