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October 20,. 1909

Frederick Dielman, Esq.,
The Schuyler,
59 West 45th St.,
New York City.

My dear Dielman: 

You will be glad to know that the La Farge Picture Committee is discharged with credit. Mr. Heinigke sent his big picture "The Muse of Art" to the Museum on Monday, and I had the pleasure of showing it to Mr. Walters and Mr. Morgan who were very enthusiastic about it as were other persons who were present. It looked even handsomer there than in Mr. Heinigke's house. Mr. Morgan and Mr. Walters authorized me to close with Mr. Heinigke and handed me a check for ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars with which to do it. This I sent instantly to Mr. Heinigke and am now looking for the receipt. Mr. Morgan called on me for a report of the Committee at the meeting, and I was able to impress the members with some idea of the trouble we had to accomplish the desired result. 

Yours faithfully.
Daniel C. French