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NEW YORK 19            11 WEST 53rd STREET
                     TELEPHONE: CIRCLE 5-8900
                   CABLES: MODERNART, NEW-YORK

June 12, 1961

[written in deKooney file
(loan requested.)]

Mr. and Mrs. Burton G. Tremaine
563 Park Avenue
New York, New York

Dear Emily and Burton:
In recent years The Museum of Modern Art has had numerous requests from museums and institutions in Latin America for an exhibition which would give a comprehensive survey of abstract work in the United States in post-war years.  These requests have become increasingly pressing since the series of American exhibitions organized by the Museum have been received with such outstanding success in Europe.  Aside from the U.S. Representations to the Sao Paulo Bienals, no comparable exhibitions of American art have been seen in Lain America. 
  In response to these requests, the Department of Circulating Exhibitions, under the auspices of The International Council of the Museum of Modern Art, is now organizing the exhibition ABSTRACT DRAWING AND WATERCOLORS: U.S.A.  Approximately 80 works by 25 artists representing a variety of abstract styles are being selected by Miss Dore Ashton, who is acting as Guest Director for the exhibition in consultation with Mr. William Seitz, Associate Curator of Painting and Sculpture Exhibitions.  We are hoping to obtain the finest work available from both public and private collections, and are writing to request the loan of your Willem deKooning Gouache, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2.
  The exhibition will circulate for one year to leading cities in Latin America, beginning in November 1961.  In many instances this will be the first representation of contemporary American art to reach these cities.  If you are wllling to lend to the exhibition, would you be good enough to fill out and return the original of the enclosed loan agreement form, retaining the copy for your records?  We would, of course, be responsible