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for all costs of packing and transportation and would insure all works from wall-to-wall under our regular fine-arts policy at the value you specify. Collection of works is to be undertaken next September, and our Registrar would be in touch with you to arrange pick-up and delivery to our warehouse. Expert supervision of packing, handling, and installation is assured for each of the showings. Loans would be returned in December 1962.

    For maximum security of the works of art we are asking lenders' permission for reframing in standard aluminum frames covered with plexiglas. Loans would be returned in their owners in their original mats and frames. May we ask that you indicate on the loan agreement form whether you would be willing to have us undertake this reframing?

    I do hope we may count on your generous cooperation in this cultural exchange project which we feel is of special importance to our relations with Latin America.

                                            Porter A. McCray
    Loan Agreement Form in duplicate for: Willem deKooning, 
    Gouache, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2.