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New York  May 1, 1862.

To Henry Peters Gray Esq

Comtee. of the National Academy of Design.

Dear Sir,

In answer to your request in behalf of the Academy, that I would permit myself to be again nominated to the Presidency, I would say, that in accepting the Presidency the last year, I was influenced to yield my reluctance to be placed in that position, by deference to the opinion of the Academy that my election would be beneficial to its interests, under its then existing circumstances.  I felt assured not only that there were many among your eminently respectable body better qualified in every respect, to perform the duties of the Office, but that from the steady advances of age with its concomitant infirmities, I was becoming more and more unfitted for the Office, and that however willing to Serve you, my ability was decreasing.  I therefore, stipulated, in my last year's acceptance of the Presidency, that my occupation of the Office must be limited to one year.  You are aware how little of personal service I have been able to give you.  In view of this fact, I defer entirely to your wishes in this respect.  If in your judgement my name at the head of your now thriving institution, will still be of service, place me there.  If on the other hand you can concentrate your ballots upon some younger & more efficient member, I shall be better pleased.  Act as you think best for the interests of the Academy.

With sincere respect Y. Ob. Servt.

Saml. F.B. Morse.