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Encouraged now, or we can expect no improvement from them. All we mean in the way of caution is, that this encouragement be governed by direction: and that it be understood as a stimulus to future efforts, and not the reward of present excellence. We have endeavored to repress what seems to us a repining disposition, founded on an overestimate of their actual claims: but we would not be understood to say, that their rewards are beyond their merits. We have felt the more urged to the remark we have made, because we thought that complaints like those contained in this 'discourse', coming from an artist of so much reputation and merit as Mr. Morse, at the head of an institution which must exert a considerable influence on those within its immediate neighborhood, might have, if uncontradicted, a more discouraging effect on the younger artists. And we confess, too, that, as [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] part of