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mission until after the election, and of course defeat the purpose, of the agreement.
How this difficulty was obviated, I propose to show in my next letter.


My last letter concluded with an explanation of the unexpected obstacle to the accomplishment of the proposed arrangement, started when the Treasurer of the association attended in pursuance of a resolution to that effect, to pay the required sum of one hundred dollars, as the admission fee of the four ineligible artists. Upon receiving information of this fact, the President of the Association addressed a letter to the President of the Academy, acquainting him with the selection of the six artists, and the arrangement in consequence of which this selection had been made, and also with the threatened defeat of that arrangement, and suggesting to him the expediency of adopting some measure to remove the obstacle which had intervened to prevent the desired and expected union. In reply a copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors was received from the Secretary of the Academy, by which it was declared that the four candidates, having been more than a year before elected Academicians of that institution, were by that act entitled to become members on the payment of twenty-five dollars each, and that they would therefore be considered as stockholders, and eligible, whenever such payment should be made. This was of course perfectly satisfactory, so far; the difficulty was happily obviated, and now nothing appeared to be wanting to the success of the proposed arrangement, but the transfer of one hundred dollars from the treasury of the Association, to that of the Academy. The artists, relying implicitly upon the faith and honor of the committee, with whom they had communicated, this transfer was immediately effected, and the four whom they had selected being now indisputably stock-

Transcription Notes:
Changed "this selection has been made" to "had been made". Added "the" to "and also with the threatened defeat of that arrangement".