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Material to be published in the JAN-FE-MCH edition, or in the APR-MAY-JUNE edition must reach the Editor not later than the 5th of the SECOND month of the tri-monthly edition involved. For publication in either of next three bi-monthly editions, material must reach the Editor by not later than the 30th of the FIRST month of the bi-monthly edition involved.


Prepare and mail on or about July 1 Semi-Annual Report covering the period of January 1 - July 1. (Also copy to the Vice President of your Area, and a copy to your Chapter's President.)

With Report sent to Grand S-T enclose your Chapter's remittance of $1.00 of each members dues (also 50c received from each Life Member, if any, for a calendar year's subscription to DOTS and DASHES) received during the period covered by the Report.

On a form furnished, upon request, by the Grand Sec'y-Treasurer notify the latter, with a copy to your Area Vice President, of names, titles, and addresses of your Chapter's Officers elected as provided by Section 20-(b) of MTC's By-Laws.

Same as for JUNE, except that this Report is to be for the period of July 1 to January 1, to be mailed on or about January 1 of each year.

FEBRUARY - Contact by mail, or otherwise, all members who have not paid their dues in payment for the membership card you had sent them for the current year, and remind them of this necessity to remain as an up to date member, and continue to receive D&D.

OCTOBER - Issue and mail or otherwise provide each member with NEXT year's membership card. If mailed, enclosing a self-addressed and stamped envelope with suitable request for remittance, should be helpful.

Editor, D & D
1501 W. Shields Ave., Apt. 43
Fresno, Calif. 93705

On or about May 10th each year-the names of members who, as of May 1st, failed to pay their current year's dues.

So that necessary changes may be made in the mailing list of DOTS and DASHES, please also furnish as promptly as possible the information mentioned called for in each of the below numbered items:

1. Name, address and zip code of all new members enrolled since your last previous report.
2. Name, address and zip code of anyone who has resumed membership since your last previous report.
3. Change of address of any member of your Chapter.
4. Name and address of any member who has died since your last previous report. Please include all information you have, or can obtain, relating to such member's age at death, etc., for use in the obituary column of D&D.


Section 4 of MTC's By-Laws provides that the Board of Directors shall have supreme control, direction and management of the affairs of the Corporation i.e., the M.T.C. Inc. Section 19 provides that the Board may amend the By-Laws by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds.

Accordingly, and due to the fact that (1) inevitable attrition is bound to reduce the number of those who, under currently effective eligibility provisions of our By-Laws, may become M.T.C. members; (2) Radio Operators (Amateur or otherwise) are required to pass a test in Telegraphy prior to being issued a license by the F.C.C., and (3) desire by the Board of Directors to enable the M.T.C. Inc. to continue as such is understandable, the Board has revised, effective August 1, 1971, the present eligibility provisions as set forth in Section 11-(a) to read:

Any person of good moral character who is a Morse Telegrapher, and/or a Radio Operator who uses or has used only the Continental telegraph code, shall be eligible to membership in this Club . . . (remainder of present wording to be unchanged.)

This revision is designed to make it clear that, also Wireless Telegraphers who use or have used only the Continental code are eligible to MTC membership.

(Change):  WILLMAR, MINN (WR)
Lakeland Chapter

President . . . . . . Jerry Torgerson
Vice President. . . . L. C. McMillan
Secretary-Treasure. . *C. T. Schauff
*Alberta, Minn. 56207

(Change): BLUEFIELD, W. VA. (BD)
Black Diamond Chapter
President . . . . . . W. R. Peraldo
Vice President. . . . R. T. McReynolds
Secretary-Treasurer . . *E. H. Lester
*313-3rd Street, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 (J. I. Payne was elected Chief Telegrapher)

Twin City Chapter
President   . . . . . . L. G. Spanier
Vice President. . . . . F. X. Langer
Secretary-Treasurer . . *R.A. Branchaud
*1900 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104.


W. F, (Bill) Dettle, Vice President of MTC's Central Southwest Area, sent us his idea of paraphrasing a statement made famous by the late General MacArthur. Bill changed that statement to read: "Old Telegraphers never die! They just Dot and Dash away."

[[image: black and white photograph]]
Freeman Lang, Bonded Yacht Broker pus other activities, residing in Honolulu, Hawaii, recently became a member of the Grand Chapter. Born in Illinois, while a "babe in arms" he live din Indiana until age 5, then he came to California, went to school in Los Angeles, started as checkboy for W.U. at 608 S. Spring Street, learned telegraphy, worked the Barclay multiple circuit to San Francisco (the forerunner of today's RTTY) became branch manager for W.U in the wholesale district, also at FX, worked the "fast Chicago wire" at the main office. He then went to work for the Santa Fe Ry, but returned to W.U. He became interested in HAM radio and built a set while in Huntington Park, Calif., joined the U.S. Marine Corps and was sent to Mare Island, and to the Signal Corps. Later to Haiti and installed and operated stations at Port Au Prince, and at Fort Liberty, Hinchem etc. He holds 1st Cl Comm'l 1st phone, radar, etc., also Extra Class Amateur. Works daily on SSB, Fast CW, American Morse Sounder, also on RTTY Xtl controlled Auto start-stop. RTTY is Auto on 21,108, 24-hrs a day. SSB daiy @ 1700 Z 14262 Khs., and daily froom OOOOZ to 02302 on SSB low end of 20. His Radio Shack, shown above, is at Ala Wai Boat Harbor in Honolulu.


By J. A. Ogden, Historian-Publicity Dir. Hoosier Chapter, Terre Haute, Ind.

Floyd J. Mattice (known as "Jack"), a distinguished member of our Chapter, born at Middlesburg, N.Y. in 1882, died on December 30, 1970.

At age 12, while living next door to the chief train dispatcher of the old LE&WRy at Lima, Ohio, Jack and a group of small boys strung a wire between their respective homes for a telegraph wire, to enable them to learn telegraphy. Later he continued his study of telegraphy in the Chief's office in Lima. He became a telegrapher at age 14, and during the summer vacation period he was used as a relief telegrapher and agent at various points on the LE&WRy.

Subsequently, and while still a high school student, he was offered, and accepted employment with Western Union at Lima but in 1912 he ceased being a telegrapher due to being promoted as manager of W.U.'s office at Rochester, Indiana.

He attended Law School of the University of Michigan, and later began his law practice in Rochester, Ind. but subsequently moved to Indianapolis. In 1942 and until 1956 he was located in Washington, D.C. as a member of the Department of Justice, and served as attorney in the famous Japanese Warm Crimes trials.

After completing his work in Washington he returned to Rochester to resume his law practice, and retired in 1959.

During all those years he retained a genuine fascination for the telegraph, and a short time prior to his death he had presented his KOB set and other telegraph equipment to the local historical society.

The July-August 1967 edition of D&D carried a story about, and picture of Jack Mattice, headed "Beneficence Par Excellence". the story told about his long-time friend who had become an invalid and had lost his voice, residing about two miles distant. "Jack" arranged with the telephone company for use of the telephone wires to establish a telegraph circuit between the two homes so the two friends could "converse" in Morse code.

While visiting "Jack" in July, 1970, I learned that due to a circulatory problem, he had one of his legs amputated, and that recently he had lost his other leg, both above the knees. He was unable to lie in bed and was forced to be in his wheel-chair - day and night. On that all too short visit I found him to be, indeed, an individual of distinction.

[[image: line drawing of a radio tower]]
[[image: line drawing of a microphone and radio unit]]

When scanning the bands please advertise your MTC membership by adding MTC to your CQs or DEs, also contact the below listed MTC members:
WN4SRU Carl H. Blackburn "B", Palm City, Fl., Est, CW, 7150-7200-21100-21250 mc.
WN9FCF C. W. Finch, "F", Toledo, O. CST, CW, Mtrs-Kc 6-15-40-80. Mbr-"TD"
WAILMN Kenneth McCue, New Haven, Ct. "A", CW, 40, 1100-1300 GMT, Mbr. "NH".
W40BM H. M. Perry, "Harris", Norfolk, Va. CW, All Bands, Pref. 7.105MHZ, Mbr. "NK".
TO: All MTC Mbrs. who also are AROprs: If you have not already done so, pls provide D&D information as per above for use in this column. Edr.


Owned by Morse Telegraph Club, Inc. Published five times a year as follows: (1) January-February-March, (2)April-May-June,(3)July-August, (4) September-October, (5) November-December.

O. H. Braese, President, also Editor, 1501 W. Shields Ave., Apt. 43, Fresno, Calif, 93705, Tel. 222-2556.

Wm. H. King, Secretary-Treasurer, P.O. Box 56, Pasadena, Calif. 91102.