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July-August, 1971
Local Chapters-' April 24th Celebrations
(Continued from Vol. VIII, No. 2, Page 3, column 3.)

(Editor's Note: As was stated in the above referred to edition of D&D, the limited available space required the well written and descriptive Reports being somewhat condensed to include only the more important highlights.)

Altoona, Pa.
President M. S. Emeigh reported that although the room in which members met was crowded, all present greatly enjoyed being there to meet and greet the many old-time friends. Two new members were enrolled. All enjoyed a good meal amid the beautiful table decorations provided by the ladies, including Mrs. Jasper. Talks were made by several members, and a photo of the Chapter's officers was taken which appears elsewhere in this edition.

Bakersfield, Calif.
Area Vice President G. C. Derryberry, a member of that Chapter, reported that a group of about 25 were in attendance; the telegraph circuit was only fair as the only Chapter on the West Coast that could be contacted was Clovis, N.M., but several on the Atlantic Coast were contacted. Some members "tried their hand” at "slinging” Morse on a local KOB set. Others told interesting stories, and all seemed to enjoy being there.

Southern Tier Chapter
Sec-Treas. J. R. Mooney told that 20 members and guests were present. An excellent meal was enjoyed. A number of picture slides were shown which had been taken by E, D. Terboss and narrated by R. J. Allen a member of the National Railroad Historical Society who also, is a D&HRR trainman. The Coast-to-Coast telegraph ckt was greatly enjoyed.

Boston, Mass.
Sec-Treas. Walter J. O'Leary reported the celebration on April 24th having been held at the Parker House Hotel, with 75 who had been with railroads, brokerages, Commercial firms, et al as communication workers, and friends being in attendance. A surprise visitor from Torrance, Calif., Grand Chapter member Henry L. McLean, came to be with his many former co-workers. Musical renditions were enjoyed during the dinner, as were talks by President John Lavin, Vice President Arnold Meyer, and others. Walter O'Leary spoke on the invention of the Direct Current Motor by Thomas Davenport, a Vermonter who lived 1802-51. Success of the meeting was greatly due also to fine cooperation by Margaret A. Perkins, Mary R. Murphy, Rose Nelson, Pearl Carlin, John Kavin, Roger Dodd, Al. Bradley, et al.

Heart of America D&D Chapter
Sec-Treas. Leota R. Rambo reported 36 being in attendance. Unfortunately, due to some difficulties "KS" was unable to break in on anyone, although we heard many other chapters' working on the ckt. The head table at dinner was decorated with a little train; telegraph lines on the side tables had little birds sitting on the cross-arms of the telegraph poles. All present seemed to enjoy the "party".

First Canadian Chapter
Area Vice President W. J. Purcell who also acted as Master of Ceremonies at the dinner, reported about 50 attending the dinner; two telegraph hookups - one being all Canadian - a good dinner and music, also door prizes. Among those present were Mr. D. N. McLeed, Asst. Gen. Mgr., CPR Communications, and Mrs. McLeed; retired Morse Operators George Biggs of Pembroke, Ont., and Edwin Cohen and wife of Montreal.

Paducah Chapter
Area Vice President Wesley D. Briggs who is also the Chapter's Sec-Treas., reported 8 members and their wives attending a lovely banquet at the Holiday Inn. A bowl of pink carnations and red roses was the center piece of the table. Old times, as well as the future of MTC was discussed, but all were greatly disappointed that "PD” was not connected with the Telegraph circuit due to W.U.'s application to South Central Bell Telephone not having been made in time to enable the Bell people to figure out a phone ckt. to the Holiday Inn. However, it was so nice for our group to be together.

Emry T. Mulquin Chapter
Historian and Chaplain Miss Laura Kelley reported 50 members and guests as being in attendance at this Chapter's 30th Annual Banquet on April 24th. President Lyle G, Savidge opened the meeting with the Invocation given by Miss Kelley; the group singing AMERICA, and the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.
Following dinner the Chaplain paid tribute to the six deceased members; the chapter officers were introduced as was Mrs. Mabel Morse Richardson, daughter of Jay Morse a great grand nephew of Samuel F. B. Morse, who spoke on the life of the inventor of the Telegraph and his various fields of interest. The telegraph circuit seemed to work well. The message of Greetings from the Grand Chapter, sent by President O. Hugh Braese in Los Angeles, was received and read to the group. Slides were shown and narrated by Mrs. Robt. Brindle of Portland, and door prizes were awarded.

Harry C. Nichols Chapter
President T. F. Humphries reported that this Chapter held its Annual Morse Day celebration at the Ponce De-Leon Hotel in Roanoke. Members who had been with three different railroads, with Western Union, and the A.P. were present and enjoyed the telegraph circuit, some "trying their hand” at their former profession. The telegraph ckt. enabled them to contact Tyler, Texas, Clovis, N.M., also Los Angeles from which was received greetings from the Grand Chapter, the Governor of California, and others. Following refreshments, meeting was adjourned.

San Joaquin Chapter
Historian Leon Grabow Sr. reported this Chapter's members gathered, as usual, at the home of Chapter President Oscar and Mrs. Berg, where all present enjoyed the party celebrating the 180th anniversary of the birth of Samuel F. B. Morse. The telegraph circuit was greatly enjoyed.

Bill Dettle Chapter
Area Vice President, also Chapter Sec-Treas., W. F. Dettle reported the discontinuance of use of the railroad depot at Stinnett, no facilities were available to W.U to provide that Chapter with a look to the Coast-to-Coast Telegraph circuit. Regardless of that great disappointment, a large group of men and ladies met at the home of Bill and Mrs. Dettle. Some of them are shown in the picture taken in one of the rooms. The picture appears elsewhere in this edition. Bill Dettle is wearing the traditional eyeshade.

Toledo Chapter
Historian-Publicity Director George P. O'Neill reported that due to the "flu bug" only about 57 persons attended. Erwin and Mrs. Bowsher came all the way from Lima, O. Area Vice President C. S. Fisher was "at the mike" and did his usual fine job. The O'Neill's daughter, Mrs. Lois Ries, led the singing and also sang some solos. Hugh McClosky entertained with numerous humorous and enjoyable stories. Secretary-Treasurer Geo. Secrist demonstrated his expertness as telegrapher. On the telegraph circuit, chapters as far west as "PX” Phoenix, Arizona was contacted but unable to hear or "raise" "GC” in Los Angeles.

Maple Leaf Chapter
President George Burrows stated that 67 persons attended the Chapter's Ninth Annual banquet on April 24th; the Morse circuitry was very satisfactory which added to the enjoyment by all. Mr. J. F. Law of C.N. Telecommunications, and Mr. C. D. McTavish of C.P. Telecommunications were present. The latter gave an interesting talk on progress during recent years in the Telecommunications field. Area Vice President C. W. Pethick was the M.C. and made very appropriate comments.

Old Pueblo Chapter
Sec-Treas. Mrs. Jean Goodwin told of the Chapter's Annual dinner being held at the Coat of Arms in the foothills of the Catalina Mts., about 10 miles from Tucson. The group was greatly disappointed because Mt. Bell Telephone Co. was unable to provide W.U. with a line for a hookup with the Telegraph Ckt. They hope having better luck next year. However, they spent an enjoyable evening and delightful dinner.

Washington Chapter
Sec-Treas. Clyde Hanson reported that this Chapter's Annual Dinner on April 24th was held at the Charcoal Hearth Restaurant, with 27 members and guests attending. Speaker of the evening was Mr. Curtis B. Plummer, chief of F.C.C.'s Field Engineering Bureau, who gave an interesting talk on "Electronic Mischief", namely, various means by which radio was used to cause interference to people and services. He exhilted some of the equipment used in such activities. The Telegraph ckt, worked very satisfactorily, and many made use of it to exchange greetings with members at other "MTC Telegraph Offices". Following brief remarks by President Berlinsky, the meeting adjourned. Many indicating that they had enjoyed and were looking forward to next year's event.

Lakeland Chapter
Sec-Treas. C. T. Schauff reported that due to no facilities available at Paynsville (where the meeting, etc. was held) for a loop connecting with the Coast-to-Coast Telegraph ckt., the members in attendance were disappointed, but enjoyed meeting with one another. 1971 officers were elected (see page. ) and other business was transacted, following which door prizes were awarded to six lucky persons. A movie "Death of Steam Engines" was shown also two short movies taken by Bro. Bill Reed while on a trip to Spain. One of these was a movie of a bull fight, and the other of Spanish dancing.

Winnipeg Chapter
Sec-Treas. W. C. Leitkie reported that their 8th Annual Party to celebrate the birthdate of Samuel F. B. Morse in the Rossmore Country Club. President McArthur called the meeting to order and requested Harold West to open the meeting in Morse Code on a KOB set. Mr. Andy Rausch of C.P. Telecommunications gave a broad outline of the beginning and present of Telecommunications. It was well received, and Nill McEwan expressed thanks on behalf of the group for that interesting talk. A number of historical documents were on display. After a light lunch the remainder of the evening was spent in reminiscing by members - about the "Good old Days". In addition to the International telegraph circuit, a Canadian circuit had been provided. Some fifty members, their wives and friends were in attendance. 

(1. to r.) Seated: Jas. Holmes, Amarillo; C. D. Williamson, Liberal, Kas.; A. J. Spaete, Goodwell, Okla.; Rowena Williams, Stratford, Tex.; Bill Dettle, "SI". Standing: Carl Gruhlkey, Amarillo; B. Gordon, Amarillo; Pete Gogging, Logan, N.M.; Sid Brown, Stinnett, Tex.; Bill Greer, Liberal, Kans.; W.K, Webster, Gruver, Tex.; Dick Brawner, Perryton, Tex.; R. L. Hagenbusch, Bucklin, Kans.; M. E. Jones, Sheerin, Tex.; Carl Updike, Turon, Kans, and J. Nix of Amarillo, Tex.