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there, and from all I could learn went away in not very good humor (This is private).

I find matters here so far as I can judge from casual observation at Hd q'rs. in good condition that is, going on smoothly. It will not answer to reduce much at present. The same difficulties present here in regard to the settlement of contracts as it is in So. Carolina, but Gen'l Sibley is dealing vigorously with them.

Already The Starvation has commenced in the upper Counties, and no doubt it will in more. My own impression is that it does not exist in fact. But of course the State hopes and expects to get the poor fed by Government.

I see by yesterday's telegram that Gen'l Ord has sent Gen'l Gillem to Washington to confer with Gen'ls Grant and Howard  in regard to matters in that State. I shall go from here to Holly Springs, and if I then learn that Gillem has left, shall go directly to New Orleans, and will if necessary return to Miss. I telegraphed to that effect to the Gen'l. This A.M. I do not see that I can do anything in the absence of Gen'l Gillem. I also stated that specific instances

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