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Corpus Christi Texas May 20th 1868
To the Surgeon General U.S.A.
I have the honor herewith to forward you the within accounts which were returned to Me by last mail from Washington with instructions &c. I beg leave to lay before you as chief of the Medical department the following brief statement of facts. When first employed by the officer in command of this fort to take charge of his sick Mom, he handed me a copy of printed instructions sent to him by order of the chief Medical officer of this district for my guidance in making out my charges against the government. The instructions set forth that I was to be allowed the same fees that were paid by citizens, or in other words the government agreed to allow me the customary charges of the place. Not doubting for a moment the honor and sincerity of the government in fulfilling its part of the contract. I cheerfully gave every attention to the sick that was essential to their recovery. In making out my charges I fell below the customary charges of the place, for I visited the camp often in the night a distance of nearly a mile from my residence. My accounts after a delay of nearly eight months are sent back for the second time for alteration. Now reduced in amount one half; the contract tendered by the government officials for my guide is held as non obligatory to the pay promised, but only recognised by the Medical