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Rochester. N.Y. April 16/68 Genl. O.O. Howard Commissioner Bu. R.F. & A.L. Washington. D.C. Dear Sir, My Son, Frank Strong is a clerk in the Bureau, appointed Dec. 20, 1867, for Mississippi, and is now on duty with Capt E.E. Platt, Sub Asst-Commr, at Brookhaven, Miss. It is my earnest desire to be with him, as he is almost my sole support. My age, and health, are such, as to forbid my living in the extreme South. I, therefore, knowing your character so well, though personally a stranger, take this liberty to request, as a personal favor to myself, that you assign my son to a clerkship in Washington, if in your power to do so, there I could be with him, and he would be enabled by this change, to be to me the