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Washington March 31st 68 S 223 R.F. & A.L. Vol 12, 1868, Howard OO Major General Comr Bu. E Whittlesey A.A.A.G. [[stamp]] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [[/stamp]] Calls attention to the case of Mrs. S.C. Vaughan teacher on St. Helena Island who continued to teach. Expecting to be paid from Tax Comr fund. Direct if possible, she be paid &c also that if recommended by Genl Scott transportation will be granted to her to go home &c. [[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON Rec'd APR 8 1868 [[/stamp]] [[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. WASHINGTON. REC'D APR 20 1868 [[/stamp]] File HD. QRS. ASST COMMISSIONER BUREAU R.F. & A.L. SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON April 3 1868 Respectfully referred to Mr Reuben Tomlinson. Supt of Education for investigation and report. JB 15926 By order of Bvt Major General R K Scott H Neide Bvt Major "Lieut 44 [[?]] Hd. Qdrs. Asst. Commr. Office Supt. of Education April 13th 1868. Respectfully returned to Bvt Major Horace Neide A.A.A.G. J.B.2.H. Before making a recommendation in this case, it is right that I should make the following statement. Mrs. Vaughan originally came out to Pt Royal, as a teacher, employed by Mr. E.S. Philbrick of Boston, for his plantations. She was afterwards employed by the United States Tax Commissioners. Last season when the Tax Commissioners discontinued their schools, I requested the ""Penna Branch, Freedmens Union Commission" to employ Mrs. Vaughan as one of their teachers, and they did so. Dr. Brisbane, chairman of the board of Tax Commissioners, on his return to South Carolina last Fall, so I am informed, advised, and urged Mrs. Vaughan, not to accept the position tendered her by the Penna Association, basing his advice on the probability that the Tax Commissioner would have funds, with which to pay her. She therefore declined the appointment I obtained for her.- I do not think that Mrs. Vaughan has any legal claim upon the Bureau for compensation, but in consideration of the fact, that her service as teacher has been long and faithful, and that she has taught during this season, under promise of pay from Dr. Brisbane, I would recommend that she be paid for the time, during which I have official knowledge that she was teaching four months.