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at the rate of ($35.) Thirty-Five dollars per month, and that transportation to the North be furnished her.

E.M.B. 10.

Reuben Tomlinson
Supt, of Education.

Hd Qrs. Asst Commissioner
Bureau R.F & A.L
South Carolina
Charleston April 15th 1868

EMB 568.

Respectfully returned to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Comr. whose attention is invited to endorsement of Mr Tomlinson Supt of Education I have this day ordered that Mrs Vaughan be paid out the "Tax Comr Fund" in our hand for the time and at the rate recommended by Mr Tomlinson. I shall apply to the Comr for transportation as soon as I learn to what point the lady desires to be transported.

R K Scott
Bvt Major General
Asst Commissioner


[[stamp]] Hd. Ars. B. OF R.F. & A.L. South Carolina. Rec'd MAY 14 1868 [[/stamp]]