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tuition from each scholar. They have a building and can be self sustaining if we can get them a teacher. The whites are co-operating." * * * "No severe destitution exists. I have received and issued some clothing to indigent and crippled superannuated persons." * * [[left margin]] Civil Courts [[/left margin]] The courts held in the early part of the month have passed off quietly. I have heard of but one case of supposed injustice. That being attributed to some disability of judgement, on the part of the jury, was appealed to a higher court." * * * Mr. W. A. Nerland, Agent, at Barnwell reports: "The freedpeople are anxiously looking forward to the time when free schools may be adopted as they find it inconvenient as well as hard work to learn under present circumstances. [[left margin]] Condition of the Freedpeople [[/left margin]] The present condition of the freedpeople is excellent. But very few complaints have been made by either employers or employees. There still seems to be a desire on the part of planters to impose fines for various misdemeanors, consequently many contracts are disapproved." * * * [[left margin]] Shortness of provision [[/left margin]] "I, desire to call the attention of the Assistant Commissioner to the fact that many of these men are short of provisions, some of them having scarcely enough to last a fortnight."