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Outrages officer in charge Civil Affairs, at Columbia S.C. The circumstances are as follows - John Sanders, citizen, discharged two pistol shots at Jerry Foster, freedman, while said freedman was performing proper duties, no action as yet seems to have been taken by the Civil Authorities. The Sheriff however has had Sanders held to bail." Contracts "But few Contracts have been presented for approval. Complaints are frequent - cause - non-fulfillment of contract; all such cases have been adjudicated according to merit." Darlington, Bureau Sub District of Bvt Lieut. H.E. Maynadier, Sub Asst Commsr. Mr. Geo. E. Pingree Agent at Darlington reports: "Outrages I have none to chronicle. The whites seem to begin to realize, that it is more profitable to them to treat the freedpeople with decency at least than otherwise, and are more cautious than formerly about beating or shooting them." Schools "The different schools throughout this District seem to be flourishing, and as a general thing are well attended, and many of the scholars show an aptitude for learning, which is astonishing. The freedpeople however are utterly unable to support the school at the present time, and will still continue to need help from the Government, or Charitable Associations.