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Planters and Laborers are now settling down to plantation work, and for some time pretty much all my energies will be directed to the issue of Provisions on Liens. It is hoped that you may be able to furnish a larger supply of the same."

Laurensville, Bureau Sub District of 
Bvt. Colonel J.R. Edie, U.S.A. Sub Asst. Commissioner


Mr. W.F. DeKnight, Agent at Greenville, reports: "Nothing of material importance occurred during the month. There have been the usual host of petty complaints, on all sides; and several various difficulties have been quietly adjusted by me. A marked disinclination on the part of the whites to have their contracts with the freedmen executed under the auspices of the Bureau has been disclosed. Thus it will be seen by my Report of Contracts, but two have been submitted to me for approval during the month. It has likewise been discovered, that while it is true some written contracts may have been entered into between the two classes, still a large number of freedmen last year have been, and now again this year, are working on more verbal agreements. As a natural consequence, this has for the past season given rise to serious misunderstandings and afforded the very opportunity often evidently desired for the one party, viz: the Employer, to