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where the agent of the Bureau is at the same time President of the Court. I respectfully refer you to the report of Lieutenant Wm Stone, 45th Infantry. Ass't Sub Ass't Comm'r, enclosed. 4th Where outrages of magnitude are commited against freedpeople - it is made the duty of the nearest Bureau officer to report the same without delay to the Ass't Comr. and to the nearest Post Commander, who, in South Carolina, is, by order of the Supervisory Assistant Commissioner, a Sub. Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau. The steps taken thereafter depend entirely upon the action of the Military authorities. I have the honor to invite your attention to the enclosed Memorandum of the case of Isaac Owens - tried for the murder of two freedpeople by a Military Commission, and with copy of the order of Maj Gen. E.R.S. Canby, promulgating the sentence. I am, General, Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant R K Scott Bt Maj General, Ass't Com. S.C.