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Upon this affidavit, Charges and Specifications were preferred against the person accused and referred to the Commanding Officer of the Post with the request that the accused by arrested, the witnesses summoned and the case referred to the Provost Court for trial. 
Here my connection with any case as Assistant Sub-Assistant Commissioner would cease I had caused a proper representation of an outrage to the military authority who was empowered to act and further I could not go. Copies of the Charges and Specifications which were referred to the Post Commander were forwarded to the Assistant Commissioner for his information as required by existing orders. 

As presiding officer of the Provost Court, my supervision of a case began when the charges and specification were referred by the Post Commander to the Court for the trial of the case. 
After reference, the time and place trial was fixed and the proper steps taken to compel the attendance of witnesses
As the Court had no prosecuting attorney, the examination of witnesses was conducted by me the evidence being taken down as in a Court Martial. 
If after the hearing of a case, the accused was