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2 Issac Owens a certain double barreled shot gun, then and there charged and loaded with gunpowder and leaden bullets, which said double barreled shot gun he, the said Isaac Owens, in his hands then and there had and held, then and there did discharge and shoot off one barrel of said double barreled shot gun, to, against and upon the said York Owens; and the said Isaac Owens, with a portion of the leaden bullets aforesaid, out of one barrel of the double barreled shot gun aforesaid, then and there b force of the gunpowder aforesaid, by the said Issac Owens discharged and shot off as aforesaid, then and there did strike. penetrate and wound the said York Owens, in and upon the back portion of the cranium of him the said York Owens; giving to him, the said York Owens, then and there one mortal wound, of which said mortal wound he, the said York Owens. then and there instantly died. And so the said Isaac Owens him, the said York Owens, in the manner and by the means of aforesaid, feloniously, willfully and of his malice aforethought, did kill and murder, against the peace and dignity of the State of South Carolina and of the United States of America. All this in the town of Camden, Kershaw District, South Carolina, on, or about the 12th day of January, 1868." Plea, "Not Guilty." Finding. Of the first specification, "Guilty." Of the first specification, excepting the words "and of his malice aforethought" wherever they occur in the specification, and the word "murder," substituting in place of the word "murder" the word "slay." Of the second specification, excepting the words "and of his malice aforethought" wherever they occur in the specification, and the word "murder.: substituting in place of the word "murder" the word "slay." Of the charge, "Not Guilty," but guilty of "manslaughter." Sentence. "To be confined at hard labor, for the term of five (5) years, at such place as the Commanding General shall direct." II. The proceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case of Issac Owens, citizen of Kershaw District. S.C., are approved. Fort Macon, N.C., is designated as the place of confinement, where the prisoner will be sent under a suitable guard, by the Commanding Officer Military Post of Columbia, S.C., with a copy of this order. By command of BVT. Major-General ED. R.S. Canby: Louis V. Caziarc Aide-de Camp, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl.