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succeeded in obtaining such a tribunal.

The withdrawal of the troops from the interior will I fear result disastrously to the "peace & quietness" (if such exists anywhere in the state). In my opinion, garrisons are needed more in this State, than in either of the others, lately in rebellion.

Genl. Reynold's late order, requiring the civil officers to execute the precepts of the Bureau Officers, is perhaps the best thing that can be done, in the absence of military force, but I feel satisfied that it will avail but little.

I find the Agents and Officers, generally as efficient as circumstances will permit. They have the power to hear and determine cases where freedmen are parties, and to impose and collect fines. No doubt, this authority has been abused in many instances by bad men, but the Asst. Comm'r takes every precaution to prevent its abuse. The Officers Bv't. Maj. Smith 17" Infty. & Lt. Ernesta 31" Infty.