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Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Charleston, S. C., May 14th 1868

Major General O. O. Howard
Commissioner Bureau Ref. F. & A. D.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to invite your attention to the concluding sentences of the within copy of communication received by my Disbursing officer, from office of the Chief Disb'g officer. Head qrs Commissioner. It has been the practice in this state to permit officers and agents to travel through their Sub Districts at such times as they might deem it necessary in pursuance of their duties and to cover the expenses of their journeys on which it was not practicable to use their horses or in cases where they were not provided with this means of transportation; the Disbursing officer was ordered to pay the actual expenses of the journey upon the presentation of the usual vouchers. The certificate attached being filled out to the effect that they