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travelled without orders and on necessary Bureau business. This course has been found absolutely necessary, especially in those portions of the State where, from Island to Island, the transportation is only by water If the concluding sentences of the within communication are intended to do away with the payment of such vouchers by the Disb'g Officer (upon my approval of course) it will make necessary the issue of Special Orders in each case prior to each journey. This will in many cases prove impracticable as before a Special Order could reach the officer the necessity for the journey could be obviated. Again, even where officers are furnished with horses the necessary journeys can often be performed much more economically by rail or steamboat than by the use of the means of transportation afforded them. In view of these facts, I have the honor to request that Major Deane, my Disb'g Officer, may be instructed to pay vouchers for actual expenses when presented by officers or Agents of the Bureau to cover journeys made without orders, but necessary for the interests of the Bureau
Transcription Notes:
Disb'g is abbreviation for DISBURSING