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[[left margin]] Assault and Battery [[/left margin]]

reports: "In the early part of the month Mr Jas. M. Allen of this place, Delegate to the late Convention, and Candidate for the State Senate, on account of some remarks made in a speech delivered in the District, was violently assaulted, by certain parties opposed to him in politics. On the application, of Mr Allen these men were afterwards bound over to appear for trial before the District Court which met here on the 27th but it appears Mr Allen finally dropped the matter.
At a political meeting held in Pickens District also in the first part of the month, Burris Hallow, freedman, was assaulted and badly beaten by "bats Hallow" and James Ladd, both also freedmen, because he would not promise to vote for their man, a Democrat. Benson Hallow, Burris' father, here found it necessary to the safety of his son to attempt his rescue and in so doing was forced to threaten to use his pocket knife. Both father and son were soon after arrested and bound over to go before the first Court that should meet for trial, while their warrants granted by Mr. James Parems J. P. a week before I saw Plaintiffs, for the arrest of the real offenders, had not yet been served. As I felt sure that these two men could satisfactorily prove the assault to have been made, on them, I advised them that in case their warrant was not served to let their, own trial first come off, and if they were cleared, they could then