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Hd. Qrs. Dept. of the Cumbl'd.
Louisville, Ky. May 12th 1868

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Lieut. Colonel A. B. Hasson, Surgeon U.S.A. Medical Director Dept. of the Cumberland. 

By Command of Maj. General Thomas
Wm D. Whipple
Bvt. Maj. General U.S.A.

E.B. #260 D.C. '68.
(3 encl.)

[[stamp]] Received M.D.O. Dept of the Cumb'd. May 12 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER BU.R. F. & A.L. JUN 23 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER CUMBERLAND back July 3 [[/stamp]]

M.D.O. Dept. of the Cumberland. Louisville, Ky. May 19th 1868.

Respectfully returned this Bvt. Maj. Gen. Wm. D. Whipple, U.S.A A.A.G Dept. of the Cumberland. 

S 305 R.F. A.L. Vol 12, 1868

R69 OCMO vol 2 '68

The enclosed account must be accompanied by the Oath of Allegiance (or the Amnesty Oath) of Dr. Valentine, and the Commanding Officer of the detachment should certify that the services of a Medical Officer could not be obtained and that there was no Medical Officer of the Freedmen's Bureau on duty at the place during the time within charged for.

Alex  B. Hasson
Bvt. Lt. Col and Surgeon, U.S.A
Medical Director.

L and E #251, 1868, D.C.
Hd. Qrs. Dept. of the Cumbld.
Louisville, Ky. May 20, '68

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Major J. McCleery, Henderson, Ky. thro' Commanding Officer Dist. of Kentucky calling attention to endorsement of the Medical Director hereon. 

By Command of Major General Thomas
Wm. D. Whipple.
Bvt. Major General U.S.A

E.B. #255.D.C. '68.


(2 wrappers & 6 encl)