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M.65 Vol 6.1868
R69 O.C.M. Vol 12 '68
E.B. #26 O.D.C. '68.
Henderson Ky
May 6. 1868.

Mc Cleery Bt Maj Jas
Chief S.A. Com'r

Forwards account of Dr. P.G. Valentine for medical attendance of the troops at Henderson. $55.95.

(1. Enclo)

[[stamp]] OFFICE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER BU. R.F.& A.L. JUN 22 1868 [[/stamp]]

[[stamp]] DIST OF THE CUMB'D Received M.D.O. MAY 12 1868 [[/stamp]]

Rec'd A.C.O. May 8, 1868.

Bureau R.F.& A. Lands
Asst Comr's Office, Ky
Louisville May 9, 1868

Respectfully referred to Comd'g Officer Military District of Kent'y Louisville Ky

By order of 
Bt Brig Genl S. Burbank
Asst. Com'rs Kenty
Ben P Runkle 
Bvt  Colonel U.S.A.
Chief Sup'd &c
End 710 1868


S.R.#164, 1868. D.C.

Head Qrs. Mil Dist of Ky
Louisville May 11 1868.

Respectfully forwarded to Head Quarters Department of the Cumberland a detachment of eight (8) men of the 45th Infantry commanded by Brvt Major James Mc Cleery, has been stationed at Henderson Ky since about the twentieth (20th) of March 1868. and as their presence may be required at that place for some time long on I respectfully suggest that it might be more economical to employ a contract surgeon.-

S. Burbank
Bvt Brig Genl. U.S.A.
Comd'g Dist 
L.R. M#26 MOK. 5 11/1868
(2 Encl)

[[stamp]] HD QURS DISTRICT OF THE CUMBERLAND MAY 12 1868 [[/stamp]]