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E and M 614 - 
Vicksburg, Miss., August 22nd, 1868.
Respectfully returned to Major Genl. O.O. Howard, Comr.,
Washington D.C., attention invited to the endorsement of
Bt Lt Col James Biddle, from which it will be seen that the
communication of July 6th was received July 25, 1868 and the same
day referred to Col Biddle for investigation and report - There have no
doubt been negroes discharged for voting the Republican ticket, but in every
instance brought to my notice prompt action as been taken to secure
justice for the person discharged and it is believed with success.
It has been held that laborers by the day, week or month could be
discharged on the expiration of the term for which they were employed
by the employer upon his paying the wages due to date.
Those laboring for a share of the crop are held to have a vested
right n the products of their labor of which they cannot be deprived
without their consent, nor can they be ejected from the premises upon
which they are laboring until the expiration of the year viz.
Jan'y 1. 1869. It is held that the employer of a day laborer
can discharge him at any time without assigning reasons. In
this connection I may state that the supply of labor does not now,
nor has it during this year been, equal to the demand, and that
just at this season planters are anxious to secure laborers to

pick cotton. In this connection attention is invited to
report of Capt J. H. Chapman, Sub Asst Com's Sub District of
Vicksburg There have been black men (and white men too)
killed and the murderers not brought to justice. For
proof of the falsity of the assertion that this has "been done
under the immediate eye of the military," I refer to the report of
Col Biddle Commanding at Jackson. As to the selection "of
good, true, reliable Bureau Agents" I can only say that Officers
of the U.S. Army and such Agents as have been appointed by
the Commissioner have been employed and that I believe they
have with few exceptions performed their duty honestly and
faithfully, and that this has especially been the case with
Col Biddle the Officer reflected upon by the petitioners
All the papers in this case are herewith returned.
Alvan C Green
Bt Major Genl. U.S.A., Asst. Comr.
State of Miss.

Transcription Notes:
two column document