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St. James and Ascension.

No interest taken in educational matters, freedpeople waiting for the opening of free schools.  All manner of crops in good condition.  Labor very beneficial and satisfactory.  No sickness of any consequence exists and none of a contagious nature.  Freedpeoples morals very lax - needing much improvement.


Freedpeople working well and well treated.  Moral condition good.  General condition of schools and plantations good.  Crops mostly laid by.  Feeling between races amicable.  No epidemic prevailing  No complaints of ill treatment.


Freedpeople working well and well treated.  Feeling between races good.  But one school open and that well attended; the others closed for vacation.  Crop, the best ever produced in Parish.  The "Ku Klux Klan" meets twice each week in Houma.


Plantations in flourishing condition.  Crops fine and a heavy yield expected.  Freedpeople working well.  Moral condition evidently improving.  Four schools in operation and all in flourishing condition.

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