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Maj. Gen. Howard
Commissioner Bureau R. F. and A Lands
Washington, DC 


Dr Griffiths duly had the honor to receive your letter of the 26 July stating that you had directed the local authorities of the Bureau to fully investigate the allegations as to Dr Robert A. Bell, contract surgeon here. This decision of your gave union men great satisfaction, and we looked, from day to day, to receive a notice as to the recommencement of proceedings.
Not receiving any such intirnation, and concerned at the consequences of delay, we waited on Gen Burbank, on Friday August 2nd, to present your letter, and impress on him the advise ability of immediate action, as one, if nor two, witnesses of the first importance in this matter, might, indeed would, leave the locality very shortly.
General Burbank received us and transacted with us, with that courtesy and urbanity so characteristic of officers of the regular army - and assured us that instant and thoro' action wd. be taken.