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Lt. A.B Brown 
Lt. A Benson Brown. testified substantially to the same as the Messrs Griffith. He differs from Bruce in stating that he (Brown) first invited the parties, and says nothing about being indignant or making it a personal matter. He adds, "He (Bell) did refuse me when I told him the person was Dr Griffith He said he considered that no Enemy of his had a right to visit the Hosp'l" States that the party afterwards visited the Hosp'l (See Vol 1 Pp 48. L 11 & following). 
The above testimony is somewhat conflicting, but amounts to this, that James Bruce a clerk in the office of the sub. Ass't. Com'r. Louisville S. Dist who had nothing whatever to do with the Hosp'l, invited the Messrs Griffith and others to visit the Hosp'l. It would seem that after extending this invitation (tho' Bruce testifies to the contrary) he requested in writing Dr Bells permission to invite friends. Dr Bell sent him word to mention their names whereupon. Mr Bruce considered himself insulted. Truly one might infer that the Surg in Charge made a fortunate escape from the insulted dignity of, 
"The strong willed man, of stern commanding mien