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This monarch high in Majesty & power"

I am not acquainted with the rules governing Hosp'ls but it seems to me that in the absence of orders to the contrary, the Surg in Charge has a right to prescribe, who shall visit the Hosp'l and when they shall so visit it, and I am certain that if the Surg in Chg has not a right to know at least who is to be invited to the Hosp'l. He has no rights at all. It is possible even probable, I venture to say certain that had Mr Bruce named the gentlemen Att'y Gen'l Speed, et-al; that they would have been welcomed. Indeed it appears that certain of the gentlemen mentioned had been frequently invited to the Hosp'l Mr Clk Bruce then communicates thro' an orderly, with Capt Brown, (Lt A.B. Brown) who (he declares, said) he would make it a personal matter. If Bruce is to be believed it is well probably for the Surgeon that there is a 25th art. of War but Bruce in this case is not to be believed. 

The gentlemen were then officially notified by Bruce from Lt Brown, (what Lt Brown an Asst Sub. Asst Comr had of 

Transcription Notes:
Is "25th ult. of War" correct? Sounds funny -- Beth It's 25th Article of War -- Stephanie