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himself. He caught the guards gun and bent the bayonet. close confinement might have been properly resorted to in his case.
Q Did he drink much liquor? 
A I can't say.
Q Did you ever hear any bad talk, or see any other bad acts on Meisers part? 
A Yes. he said he had cowhided Secretary Stanton and slapped his face.
Q Was he regularly served with his meals?
A Yes sir. He complained and I went & saw his meals and saw them the same as there was on our table he got his meals from our table. 
Testimony of James A. Moore under oath,
Q What is your name, age and occupation?
A James A. Moore, 25, am a patient in the Hospital.
Q Do you know Gustavo Meiser?
A Yes Sir, for two months.
Q How has he conducted himself in the Hospital?
A Well enough when in his own mind

Transcription Notes:
Q and A are in the margins but this was the best way to integrate it into the transcription--lmk if there is a better way to do this.