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[[left margin]]Q.[[/left margin]] Who did Dr Bell associate with principally?
[[left margin]]A.[[/left margin]] Medically, Dr Benson in and out of the Hospl saw him five or six times a week.
[[left margin]]Q.[[/left margin]] Who reported the Rebel Medical Cadets?
[[left margin]]A. 5[[/left margin]] I did, by order of Gen'l Frederick (order produced) dated Mch 25, 1867 (copy furnished marked B No 2) also, written report sent to Frederick and sent to Gen'l Ely (this about March 26 1867)
[[left margin]]Q.[[/left margin]] Do you know of Dr Bell refusing admittance to [[left margin]]10[[/left margin]]loyal men? if so state fully.
[[left margin]]A.[[/left margin]] I know him to so refuse. Dr T.J. Griffith used to visit my office. he I considered a loyal man. About the 15th of April. I asked if he would like to visit the Hosp'l, said he [[left margin]]15[[/left margin]] would. A day or so afterward, Bruce who was acquainted with him also, told me he was coming down for that purpose. He (Bruce) wrote a note to Dr Bell, asking permission for Dr Griffith to do so. He asked [[left margin]]20[[/left margin]] me if it would be out of place. I told him no, but considered it superfluous. He did show it to Dr Bell who refused the permission. I was much surprised at the discourtesy and told Bruce I would [[left margin]]25[[/left margin]]see Dr Bell. I hardly thought he would [[left margin]]27[[/left margin]]refuse me. I did see him. and he did refuse me when I told him the person

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