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consider that he ranks me, since my acceptance of the appointment as 1st Lieut in the Regular Army. Gen'l Davis said I want you to continue as Sup't and if Maj [[note]] 5 [[/note]] Roberts does not like to serve under you, say to him that he will be relieved upon application. After receiving my orders I proceeded to the Barracks and resumed my old command, as Supt Louisville Sub [[note]] 10 [[/note]] Dist. I informed my Asst Supt of what had passed between Gen'l Davis and myself, handed him my order telling him to enter it in the books of the office, and to inform Maj R that if he [[note]] 15 [[/note]] did not wish to continue in his present position, he could be relieved upon application. He (the Major) continued in his old position, without making an objection to me, until I was away on Leave [[note]] 20 [[/note]] of Absence in March. On the day after my return he said to me "The question of rank has been sprung between you and I since you have been away. My friends at Hd Qrs think I rank you"
[[note]] 25 [[/note]] I thought it very singular and unofficerlike, unmilitary in the extreme, for him to have served several [[note]] 28 [[/note]] months under me, and never bring the