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A. Once last winter while Dr Town was in charge, I saw Gen'l Frederick drink.

Q. What, if anything do you know of Dr Bells management of the Hospital?
A: [[note]] 5 [[/note]] I regard the Hosp't as regards its management, the best I have ever seen in this or any other Dept. and I have visited many Hospitals.

Q: Is your knowledge of Dr Bell, such as to justify you in testifying to his character?
[[note]] 10 [[/note]]
A: It is.

Q: What is his character?
A: I have entire confidence in his loyalty, and integrity, and regard him as an able, efficient and faithful officer.
[[note]] 15 [[/note]] (End)

Testimony of Dr Benson, under oath.
Q: What is your name, age and profession?
A: I, Dr. Benson, 45, M.D. late Deane of Faculty University of Louisville.

Q: [[note]] 20 [[/note]] Did you ever deliver clinical lectures in Hosp'l Bureau R.F. and A Lands. if so when or by whose order or permission?
A: During last winter and by permission of Dr Town and Gen'l Davis, this was verbal [[note]] 25 [[/note]] permission,