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A I have a know him intimately, consider - him throughly loyal, has no rebel sympathies whatever, my intimacy with him justifying me in testifying to his character, consider him a man of so-briety, integrity and honesty,

Q Did you during the late rebellion, give any aid or comfort thereto?

A No sir, I am a radical union man. And always have been.


Testimony of Dr. Hall, under oath.

Q What is your name age and occupation?
A S. H Hall MD, 45.
Q How long have you known Dr R.A. Bell?
A Since 1861.
Q Is your knowledge of him such as to enable you to testify to his loyalty and general character?
A Yes Sir.
Q What is his character of loyalty, sobriety integrity, and what is his professional reputation?
A His character is good, always considered, him a good physician.
Q Did you during the late rebellion give any aid or comfort thereto?
A. I did not. (End)