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Testimony of Chas A. Gill under oath
Q What is your name, age and occupation?
A. Chas A Gill, Att'y at Law 22.

Q You see this petition, did you sign the [[note]] 5 [[note]] same?
A Yes, I signed it,

Q Please state all you know of your own personal knowledge concerning the charges therein name against Dr Bell?
A [[note]] 10 [[/note]] I signed this paper upon representations made by friends of mine, who serve with me in the Union Army, viz− Capt Kennedy, Drs TJ & G. W. Griffith James Bruce and I think Dr Colescott.  Lt. Wm. McKinney and Capt Leonard.

Q Then I understand you to say, you had no personal knowledge of the charges and signed upon the representation of third parties?
A Yes Sir, I have no personal knowledge. Don't know Dr. Bell, only thought that if the charges were true, the evils should be corrected.

Q Did you ever visit the Hospital?
A No sir, never, had no interest in the petition at all

Q Did you ever hear the Griffiths threaten to