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A Charles Fais M.D. 30.

Q. How long have you known Dr R. A Bell and is your knowledge of him such as to justify you in testifying as concerns [[note]] 5 [[/note]] his general character?
A. Have known him several years, it is.

Q What is his character for sobriety integrity & loyalty, & what his professional reputation?
A [[note]] 10 [[/note]] Good as far as I know. I consider his character unimpeachable

Q Are you acquainted with Dr T.J. Griffith?
A Yes Sir.

Q Have you ever had any conversation [[note]] 15 [[/note]] with Dr Griffith, relative to the removal of Dr Bell from his present position, if so when, and what was the substance of said conversation?
A The time we went to Crittenden Barracks [[note]] 20 [[/note]] Hosp'l, he said "Bell associated with a pack of Rebels, ought not to be there, and that he was going for old Bell. He said this because Dr Bell refused him admittance to the Hosp'l. Thinks he spoke [[note]] 25 [[/note]] in the same manner on a previous occasion.

Q [[note]] 27 [[/note]] Please state the conversation which

Transcription Notes:
co,pleted truncated words and replaced + with &