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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 1st 1867  #48 * | Eberhart G.L. See L.B. Aug 1st 1867  file. | New Brighton Pa. July 29th 1867 Wishes to be informed upon what ground he has been released & whether the order is irrevocable. For the sake of his good name wishes to be allowed to leave the office honorably. Can he not have some other position in another state? |

| Aug 3rd, 1867 #49 * | Eberhart G. L. See P.L.B Aug 7th 1867 file | New Brighton. Aug 3rd, 1867 Applies for a position as Agent in the Bureau. |

| Aug 8th 1867 #50 * | Eberhard G. L. | New Brighton Aug 5th 1867 States that Mr. Wilmer Halton is interested in the establishment of a Normal School in Ala but is short of funds and solicits assistance from the Bureau. Encloses communication from Mr Walton. |

| August 21. 1867 #51 * | Edmunds, Non. J.M. (3 enclosures.) | Washington D.C., August 20. 1867. Forwards enclosed communication from Fred Parsons, Natchez, Miss, who encloses verbatim copy of an order from Col. Biddle, S.A.C. of the Sub District of Natchez to W.W. Whitehurst. J.P. of Washington, Miss, and ask questions regarding the duties of Sub Ass't Commis' of the Bureau in such a case as is referred to in the above mentioned order. Mr. Parsons is commended to Judge Edmunds as a loyal & patriotic man. August 23d - Referred to the Ass't Comm's of Miss. for report. Jany 11th R'ced back with report. Jany 13th. Referred to A.C. of Miss see E.B.p 183 Vol 4. Feby 4th Rec'd back with report & file. |
| August 26, 1867 #52 * | Earhart, H A. Aug. 27: Referred to the Gen'l Supt of Education. | Elizabethtown, Pa. August 23 1867. Asks if anymore teachers are needed in the freedmens schools; if so, the terms &c. Can give unquestionable references. |  

| August 27 1867 #53. * | Evans F.H - file | Washington City, August 21. 1867. Reports that one Taylor on duty at Bu Hd Qrs., has expressed himself as being in favor of the removal of General Howard, saying that there are too many Radicals in the Burreaul &c. |

| August 28, 1867 #54 * | Eldridge, Stuart
Bvt Major, US.V., & Act Md Store Keeper &c | Washington City August 28. 1867. Encloses list of deficiencies in invoice of stores transferred to him by Asst. Surg. P. Glennan, US Vols., and requests a Board if Survey to fix responsibilitiy therefor. (Forwarded approved by Robt Rebyrn, Act. Chief Medical Officer. approved with the recommendation that the Board requested be authorized. See S.O. 132., Par 1., C.S. - |

Transcription Notes:
Robert Reyburn and "Bureau" misspelled in document